Le multumim fotografilor prezenti la Urban Trail XCC
Duminica, 15 martie, a avut loc avanpremiera sezonului Riders Club 2015
Participantii s-au bucurat de o aventura urbana pe traseul amenajat la Romexpo
Pentru Urban Trail XCC pachetele de start se ridica in zilele de 12 si 13 martie. Aflati intervalele orare
In incinta ROMEXPO, la URBAN Trail XCC
Aflati cum ajungeti la zona de start si alte detalii importante
Eveniment organizat la ROMEXPO, in 15 martie
Inregistrarile online se incheie pe 12 martie
Te asteptam la ROMEXPO, la startul unuia din cele mai spectaculoase evenimente Riders Club
Numarul personalizat, accesibil pentru inscrierile confirmate pana pe 5 martie
Interviu cu organizatorii URBAN Trial XCC
O cursa stransa, cu provocari pentru riderii experimentati
Competitia vine cu o serie de cerinte speciale pentru concurenti
Informatii utile pentru toti participantii la evenimentul din 15 martie
Event details | |
Date 15.03.2015 |
Onspot registration No |
Start 11:30 |
Starting point Romexpo |
Race pack pick-up MPG headquarters (Pipera Street, no.44, building C9n'p): Thursday, 12 March, 09:00-18:30 Friday, 13 March, 09:00-21:00 On the day of the event, at the Start/Finish point, at least one hour in advance of the race the participant is registered in, only for riders living outside of Bucharest |
Organizer MPG ridersclub@mpg.com.ro |
Participation package
Race number & disposable timing chip
Event T-shirt
Nescafe buff
Voucher SUUNTO 10% discount
Voucher Sport Guru discount
Participation medal
Can of Ciuc Radler
Event services, found below
The route will be cleaned, marked and given the final touches one day before the event.
Interested riders are welcome to take a recognition lap in the day of the event, between 09:00-10:00.
Route marking
The route will be marked with white and red ribbon.
Information about the access to the starting point
All registered riders will benefit from free access in the Romexpo Exhibition Center on the basis of a nominal list and the mentioning of the race number. Spectators will gain access to the Sports and Toursim Fair and implictily to the event by acquiring a 5 Lei ticket.
2015 15 Mar | 2016 26 Mar |